Task 14 : Narrative Text : Batu gantung ( Legend )
Script :
Ancient times in a village on the shores of Lake Toba there lived a husband and wife who had a son named ceruni one day ceruni had to part with his Idol named C doli Lake Toba and the Rocks here bear witnessed to see doley promise me you'll come back again so honey I promise to see you again soon on this place we will get married soon father's job ceroni is just farming and fishing but the result of fishermen are used for spree until ceruni's father was in debt you have owed many times you should have paid it otherwise your daughter must be arranged with my son I will talk about this to cerooni his father met his mother Cerny and discussed it all ceroni heard the conversation and she carried ceruni went to the fields with her dog named Toki when he got there as usual chrysanthemum was just silent and sat pensively he remembered his promise to doli Toki was even more confused when he saw his master crying ceruni walked through fast towards the Cliffs of Lake Toba suddenly ceroni fell into a very large Rock hole Cerrone frightened and screaming for help to his beloved dog Toki desperate with the situation and no one can help him ceruni said parapet peripat Stone which means move closer to the Rock seeing this condition the Toki rushed home his parents were aware of the behavior of the Toki who kept barking and invited his parents to help his son
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